Change detection is a core concept in Angular, ensuring that the user interface stays in sync with the underlying data. Pipes, a powerful feature in Angular, transform displayed data in templates. This article delves into the intricacies of change detection with pipes, exploring how to manage both pure and impure changes effectively.

Understanding Change Detection in Angular

Angular employs a change detection mechanism that runs after every DOM event such as keystrokes, mouse moves, timer ticks, and server responses. This mechanism is crucial for updating the view to reflect any changes in the data model. Angular’s change detection strategy ensures that the display updates efficiently without unnecessary performance overhead.

Change Detection with Pipes

Pipes in Angular are used to transform data in templates. Angular detects changes and executes the pipe whenever a bound value changes. For primitive input values like strings or numbers, Angular’s change detection works seamlessly. However, for composite objects such as arrays or objects, understanding the distinction between pure and impure pipes becomes essential.

How Change Detection Works

Angular’s change detection monitors data-bound values and updates the view accordingly. For instance, consider an example where Angular uses its default change detection strategy to update the display of a list of heroes:

<label for="hero-name">New hero name: </label>
<input type="text" #box id="hero-name" (keyup.enter)="addHero(box.value); box.value=''" placeholder="hero name">
<button type="button" (click)="reset()">Reset list of heroes</button>
@for (hero of heroes; track hero) {
    <div>{{ }}</div>

In this example, Angular updates the display every time a new hero is added or the list is reset. However, executing a pipe with every change could degrade performance, necessitating a more efficient change detection strategy.

Detecting Pure Changes to Primitives and Object References

Pure Pipes are designed to execute only when Angular detects a pure change in the input value or parameters. A pure change occurs when:

  • A primitive input value changes (e.g., string, number, boolean).
  • An object reference changes (e.g., date, array, object).

Pure pipes use pure functions, meaning they produce the same output for the same input without side effects. This approach enables Angular to quickly check if it can skip executing the pipe and updating the view, enhancing performance.

Challenges with Pure Pipes and Composite Objects

Pure pipes work well with primitive values and object references. However, issues arise when dealing with changes within composite objects like arrays. Consider the following example:

@for (hero of (heroes | flyingHeroes); track hero) {
    <div>{{ }}</div>

If the heroes array is mutated (e.g., a new hero is pushed), Angular does not detect the change because the array reference remains the same. This behavior necessitates replacing the entire array to trigger change detection.

Using Impure Pipes for Composite Objects

Impure Pipes execute every time Angular detects a change, regardless of whether it’s a primitive or within a composite object. While impure pipes can address the limitations of pure pipes, they can also significantly impact performance due to their frequent execution.

To create an impure pipe, set the pure flag to false:

  standalone: true,
  name: 'flyingHeroesImpure',
  pure: false,
export class FlyingHeroesImpurePipe extends FlyingHeroesPipe {}

This pipe will execute every time a change is detected, ensuring the view updates correctly for composite object changes.

Best Practices for Using Pipes in Angular

  1. Use Pure Pipes When Possible: Pure pipes are more efficient and should be used for primitive values and when object references change.
  2. Minimize the Use of Impure Pipes: Reserve impure pipes for scenarios where changes within composite objects must be detected. Ensure the transform function is fast to avoid performance degradation.
  3. Manage State Changes Efficiently: For arrays and objects, consider replacing the entire reference instead of mutating the object to trigger pure pipes.


What is the main difference between pure and impure pipes? Pure pipes execute only when the input value or parameters change, while impure pipes execute for every detected change, including changes within composite objects.

When should I use an impure pipe? Use impure pipes when you need to detect changes within composite objects like arrays or objects, and the changes do not involve changing the reference.

How can I optimize performance when using pipes? Use pure pipes for most scenarios and minimize the use of impure pipes. Ensure transform functions in impure pipes are optimized and fast.

Can I convert a pure pipe to an impure pipe? Yes, by setting the pure flag to false in the pipe metadata.

Why does Angular ignore changes within an array for pure pipes? Angular ignores changes within an array for pure pipes because the array reference remains unchanged, which is faster to check than performing a deep comparison of array elements.

What is a pure function in the context of Angular pipes? A pure function is a function that always produces the same output for the same input without causing any side effects.


Change detection with pipes in Angular is a nuanced topic that requires a solid understanding of pure and impure pipes. By leveraging the appropriate pipe type for different scenarios, you can ensure efficient and responsive applications. Always aim to use pure pipes when possible and reserve impure pipes for cases where deep detection within composite objects is necessary.

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